School Day
The School Day
Shoreside Primary School runs a Before School Club for all pupils from Reception to Year 6.
7:30am – 8:40am
Our school hours are:
Drop off times:
KS2 – 8:45
KS1/Rec – 8:50
Collection times:
KS2 – 3:15
KS1 – 3:20
Every day, classes start with a ‘strong start’ from 8:45am – 9:00am. ‘Strong start’ focuses on arithmetic and a review of basic skills previously taught in maths lessons.
Maths lessons are taught every morning, straight after the children’s ‘strong start’. Maths lessons focus on the five principles of the mastery approach:
English is taught every day and each session begins with daily spelling and handwriting practise.
In Reception and KS1, phonics and guided reading are taught through the Read Write Inc. (RWI) programme. At the same time of day, KS2 classes have ‘whole class reading’ (WCR) in which a range of reading skills are developed through the reading of novels and linked texts. Children who still need decoding support in Years 3 and 4 are streamed into RWI groups.
Pupils carry out 2 hours of PE each week.
Every week, KS1 and KS2 pupils are taught the following lessons:
History or Geography (alternate half terms)
Art or DT (alternate half terms)
MFL (Spanish) (KS2 only)
British values and spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) education are woven in through the teaching and learning of core and non-core subjects, enrichment activities and the wider curriculum.