You can look at some of our key policies below.
- 04 Equality Objectivespdf
- 15 Charging Policypdf
- 64 Managing Allegations Policy (2)pdf
- 66 Admissions to Early Years Policypdf
- 89 REMAT Admissions Policy (2)pdf
- 90 Extremism and Radicalisation Policy (1)pdf
- 96 REMAT Data Protection Policypdf
- 104-SEN-Complaints-Policy-pdf
- 111 Whistleblowing Policypdf
- Freedom Of Information Policypdf
- REMAT Data Protection Policypdf
- REMAT HR Retention Schedulepdf
- REMAT Privacy Notice for Parents - Your Child's datapdf
- REMAT Sex and Relationships Education Policypdf
- REMAT-Privacy-Notice-for-Parents-Data-Your-Datapdf
- REMAT-Privacy-Notice-for-Parents-Your-Childs-datapdf
- Shoreside Accessibility Policypdf
- Shoreside Child Protection Policy 2023-24 v1 FINAL (1)pdf
- Shoreside Complaints Policy (Updated April 2022)pdf
- Shoreside Remat Attendance Policypdf
- Shoreside-Behaviour-and-Relationships-Parent-Policy-without-hyperlinkspdf
- 26 Shoreside E-Safety Policy (Updated 2024)pdf