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Interventions and Support


At Shoreside, we provide a range of Wave 1, 2 and 3 interventions to support individuals or groups of children. Interventions are adapted to meet the needs of all children. All interventions are tracked using an entry and exit assessment.

Wave 1 – Tailored teaching in classes

High-quality inclusive teaching supported by effective whole-school policies and frameworks, clearly targeted at all pupils’ needs and prior learning. This needs to be based on planning and schemes of work that are designed to move all pupils from where they are to where they need to be. Where there are large numbers of pupils that share the same learning needs, then the best solution is to adjust the planning to cater for them. It means setting a new trajectory for the learning programme to take pupils to where they need to be in terms of age-related expectations. Effective Wave 1 teaching anticipates the needs of pupils based on good use of yearly transition data and information.


Wave 2 – Wave 1 plus additional, time-limited, tailored intervention support programmes

Designed to increase rates of progress and secure learning for groups of pupils, which puts them back on course to meet or exceed national expectations. This usually takes the form of a tight, structured programme of small-group support, carefully targeted and delivered by teachers or teaching assistants, who have the skills to help pupils achieve their learning objectives. This can occur outside (but in addition to) whole-class lessons, or be built into mainstream lessons as part of guided work. Critically, intervention support needs to help pupils apply their learning in mainstream lessons. Intervention programmes need to be closely monitored to ensure that they meet pupils’ needs. This is about support for pupils who can get back to achieving age-related expectations. The outcome of Wave 2 intervention is for pupils to be back on track to meet national expectations at the end of the key stage.


Wave 3 – Wave 1 plus increasingly individualised programmes, based on independent evidence of what works

Expectations are to accelerate and maximise progress and minimise performance gaps. This will involve one-to-one or very small group support via a specialist teacher, highly-trained TA or academic mentor, to support pupils towards the achievement of very specific targets.