Weekly Blog - A2/Week 3

It's been a week of extreme weather but snow need to worry(!) - we have still done lots of amazing learning! Read on to find out more about this week and the upcoming events.
Year 5 loved their trip to the Into Film Festival at the start of the week. The children loved visiting Liverpool and being part of this cultural event. We also enjoyed going outside on Tuesday morning when the field was covered in snow, with lots of children creating snowmen and enjoying the weather together with their classmates!
A quick reminder that tomorrow is Messy Maths and our Early Years Open Morning for parents looking for a Reception place for September 2025. Messy Maths is an event for the whole family and it's completely free. Just come to school between 10AM-12PM, with entry via the same door as Progress Evening - the fire exit in the main dining hall. Staff will be on hand with a range of fun activities, plus bacon sandwiches and hot drinks will be available!
Next week, on Friday 29th November, we have an own clothes day. In exchange for wearing their own clothes, we are asking pupils to bring in a donation for the Christmas Fair. Early Years and Key Stage 1 please bring in some chocolate (please note, home baked items can not be accepted due to food allergies etc.) and Key Stage 2 please bring in a bottle. Thanks in advance for your support with this!
Finally, here are the highlights from this week. We hope you enjoy watching them! Have a lovely weekend and we hope to see lots of you at Messy Maths tomorrow morning!