Weekly Blog - A2/Week 2

What a busy week it has been in school! Book Fairs, cinema trips, odd socks, own clothes and Progress Evening, plus much more! Welcome to this week's blog post which looks at all the highlights, as well as looking ahead to next week.
Thank you to everyone who attended our Book Fair, which helped raise over £1000 for the school to spend on books. Every class will be receiving new books in their libraries as a result of your purchases, so thanks for your support!
Well done to Year 6 who led a Remembrance Service for our pupils and Y6 families on Monday. We were very proud of both the Year 6 pupils and all other year groups for how they observed the two-minute silence.
As part of anti-bullying week, pupils wore odd socks to school on Tuesday and every class has looked at the key messages of anti-bullying week as part of their PSHCE learning.
Thank you to everyone who joined us on Wednesday for our Progress Evening. We really appreciate all the feedback which has been shared with staff, and we are already actioning some of your ideas about how we can further develop the school.
Year 3/4 enjoyed a trip to the cinema on Thursday as part of the Into Film Festival which is taking place throughout November.
Finally, today has been Children in Need Day and thank you to everyone who donated to our collection. Children in Need is the Early Years' chosen charity and with their efforts of organising today's own clothes day, we have raised £201 to donate to Children in Need.
Before looking at this week's highlights, a quick reminder that next Saturday (23rd November) is Messy Maths and Early Years Open Morning. Messy Maths is for all of our families to come along from 10AM-12PM. You can enjoy maths games and activities, plus enjoy a bacon sandwich and a hot drink. Entry is via the same door as Progress Evening and the event is held in the main dining hall. For any parents considering entry into Reception for September 2025 or a place in our Nursery, our Early Years will be open too!
Well done everyone for a fantastic week, enjoy watching the highlights and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday!