Weekly Blog - A2/Week 1

It's the end of the first week of a brand new half term at Shoreside and we have been very busy! There has been lots of exciting learning taking place throughout school, our Book Fair has started and we've had lots of entries into our book review competition. Read on for this week's blog to find out more about what has happened this week and what's coming up next week!
Thanks to all of the families who have attended our Book Fair so far. As a reminder, it is open tonight (Friday 8th) and next week on Monday and Tuesday. It is open from 3PM-4PM and there are a range of books to choose from! We hope to see you there!
Before we watch this week's highlights, here are the key events taking place in school next week.
Monday 11th November - Remembrance Assembly at 10:45 led by Year 6. Only Year 6 parents are invited to join the assembly due to capacity.
Tuesday 12th November - Wear Odd Socks Day for National Anti-Bullying Week.
Wednesday 13th November - Progress Evening (appointments from 3PM-6PM), entry via the Fire Door in the Main Hall (located in the car park by Nursery's Outdoor Area). All enrichment clubs cancelled on Wednesday due to Progress Evening for one week only.
Friday 15th November - Children in Need Day - children to wear own clothes and bring in £1 for Children in Need charity collection.
PTA Updates
The PTA have requested for any of the items below to be brought into school:
1. Any leftover sweets or chocolates from Halloween. Like an amnesty if you've got too many sweets and chocolates in the house from trick or treating!
2. Any unwanted gifts to donate to our Elfridges store at the fair for the children to buy a Christmas gift for parents/carers.
3. Christmas wrapping paper.
If you have any and would be able to drop them off, we'd be incredibly grateful! In addition to the above, we will be setting up a rack in the School Office for a Christmas Jumper swap! Please have a look for some old jumpers and get ready to swap them when the rack is set-up in the School Foyer.
Finally, after all of that news, let's look back at the highlights of this week! We hope you enjoy watching them, have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!