Weekly Blog - A1/Week 7

The penultimate week of our first half term comes to an end and it's been action-packed! Read on for this week's blog to hear all about the end of the 10th birthday celebrations, a trip to Chester and more!
As the end of Autumn 1 approaches, Shoreside's pupils have had lots of brilliant opportunities to engage in activities throughout the week. On Monday, Year 4 pupils consolidated their learning on the Romans by heading to Chester for the day. We also had Year 5 pupils enjoying a day of outdoor learning as part of the Rainbow's 10th Birthday Celebrations. The following day, some of our Y5/6 pupils attended a service at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral for the final event to mark 10 years of the Rainbow Trust and did a wonderful job of representing Shoreside. On Thursday, 150 pupils stayed after school for a Halloween Movie Night organised by the PTA - a huge thank you to all of the volunteers who came after school to ensure the event was a huge success!
Next Week's Events
Monday 21st October - Photography Day - Any classes who should be attending in PE kits should wear school uniform and bring PE kit to change into. For any pupils in Pre-Nursery/Nursery who are not due to attend on Monday due to having different sessions, further guidance will be sent out by Mrs O'Hara but you will be able to bring your child to school to have their photograph taken.
Monday 21st October - Reception Phonics Come and See
Tuesday 22nd October - Year 1 Phonics Come and See
Wednesday 23rd October - Year 2 Phonics Come and See
For each of the three events listed above, parents/carers of the year groups are able to attend school on their allocated day to join us for phonics at the start of the school day. This is a great opportunity to see how your child is taught phonics at Shoreside. At 9:30, after joining the lessons, you will then be invited to a short information session with Miss Mawdsley, our Phonics Lead, who will be talking you through the phonics programme and how children progress through this. We hope to see you there!
Friday 26th October - School closes for October half-term with the usual end of the day timings. It is normal school uniform on the last day.
We hope you have a brilliant weekend and enjoy watching back at the highlights from this week. See you on Monday!