Weekly Blog - A1/Week 5

It's been a great week in school this week with lots of events happening linking to the Rainbow Education Multi Academy Trust's 10th birthday! Year 1 buried a time capsule and Year 2 performed at The Liverpool Lighthouse Theatre on Friday - we are really proud of all the pupils who took part!
Next week there are two big events taking place! On Thursday (10th October) we have Come and See/Stay and Play. For Y1-Y6, Come and See takes place at the start of the school day until 9:30AM. Straight afterwards, parents/carers are invited to stay in the Small Hall if they would like to hear a short information session about keeping your child safe online. For Nursery/Reception parents, you are invited to join us for Stay and Play from 2:30PM until the end of the day!
On Friday (11th October) all children are allowed to wear their own clothes for our whole school birthday party to celebrate the Rainbow Trust's 10th birthday! There will be lots of fun and games alongside all of our usual brilliant learning!
We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday.