Weekly Blog - S1/Week 2

Week 2 has been filled with fantastic learning, so let's get straight into this week's blog to find out more!
Next Week's Events
We have our next Come and See & Stay and Play events on Wednesday. Parents/carers in Year 1-6 are invited to join us for the first 45 minutes of the day. There will also be a short Maths workshop with our Maths lead, Miss Smith, after the Come and See for anyone who would like to find out more about our Maths lessons.
As previously communicated to parents at the end of last half term, our Early Years Stay and Play is now at the new time at the end of the day based on parent feedback about the success of this time. For the afternoon Stay and Play in the Early Years, Pre-Nursery and Nursery parents can enter via their classroom gates, whilst Reception parents should arrive at the School Office for 2:30PM.
We also have football taster sessions on Thursday for Year 2/3/4/6 so these year groups should wear PE kits to school on Thursday.
Valentines Disco Re-Arrangement
Due to a clash with the Year 6 residential, the PTA's Valentines Disco has been re-scheduled for the first week back after half term (Thursday 27th February). This will be the PTA's Neon Disco and further information will be released soon.
This Half Term's Events
Here's a reminder of this half term's events:
Finally, let's have a look at this week's highlights. We hope you have a great weekend and see you on Monday!