Weekly Blog - A2/Week 6
The penultimate week has come to an end and it's been filled with performances and festive cheer! Read on for more information.
A huge thank you to everyone who has joined us in this school this week for our Early Years Christmas Performance on Wednesday and our KS1 Nativity on Friday afternoon. We are so proud of all of the pupils for taking part in these two excellent performances!
Y3 Class Charity - Save The Children UK
Thanks to everyone who donated on Friday to wear their Christmas jumper to school. All the money raised will go to Save The Children UK which is Year 3's class charity.
Next Week
With it being the final week of term before Christmas, we have one final event which parents/carers are invited to join us for, plus Christmas Dinner on Wednesday (children can just opt for hot dinner on this day as they do every day when asked in class) and own clothes day on the final day (no donation needed).
A reminder that we close one hour early on Friday, as well as our paid after school club closing one hour early too.
There are no enrichment clubs next week as they have now finished for Autumn Term but we have just sent out our Spring Term offer so check out your ParentApp for this!
Here are next week's events:
For songs in the School Hall, we have split this into two different ages as we were extremely full in the hall last year! We have also reconfigured the layout so that children will be facing their parents. This means they can check if you are singing and joining in too! We hope you can join us for this festive singalong.
Our Positive Moments video will be out on Monday so please check back on Monday to watch the highlights from this week! In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend and we can't wait to see everyone back in school on Monday for the final week.